[Legacy] Important Updates for Alchemer Mobile

With the coming releases of iOS 14 and Android 11, there are several breaking changes impacting our SDKs, and it will become important for you to update them as soon as they are released.

If you plan to update to API 30 on Android, and build your app with Xcode 12 on iOS, you will need to update your SDK versions in order to keep using Apptentive. This page is the central hub to keep you informed about these changes as well as what’s to come.

iOS 14

Updated on October 23, 2020. Any changes are italicized.

What You Need to Know

  • Updated: iOS 14 and Xcode 12 were released on Wednesday, September 16th 2020.
  • With iOS 14, there are two items of importance to the Alchemer Mobile (Apptentive SDK: one breaking change and one non-breaking change that will be visible to app users.
    • In the breaking change, Apptentive Surveys could get stuck in a loop, eventually causing a crash. This is caused by a recent change in iOS layout code. It impacts all apps built using Xcode 12 and devices running iOS 14.
    • In the non-breaking change, Apple has released a new consumer-facing pasting-from-clipboard warning that will show to your app users on older versions of our SDK. We released a version of our SDK, 5.2.12, on June 30 to address the pasteboard notification. This fix is still valid; however you will need to upgrade your SDK again as the most recent iOS 14 beta includes a new, breaking change. If you’d like to upgrade your SDK to include the pasteboard notification fix in the meantime, make sure you are using version 5.2.12 or higher, which you can find here.
  • Updated: On September 15th, Apptentive released a version of the SDK that supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12. If you are planning on releasing a version of your app built on Xcode 12, you must use iOS SDK 5.3.1. This version also fixes several smaller issues, including deprecation warnings. If you are not planning to build with Xcode 12, you should be on version 5.2.12 or higher.

Android 11

Updated on October 21, 2020. Changes italicized.

What You Need to Know

  • Android 11, which uses API 30, was released on September 8, 2020. This is a phased release, so it may take some time before you see many of your customers using the new OS version.
  • This new version of Android includes breaking changes: any app built using API 30 (android:compileSdkVersion=”30″ and android:targetSdkVersion=”30″) will fail, breaking Apptentive’s functionality.
  • On September 4th, Apptentive released a version of the SDK to accommodate Android 11. If you plan to build your app on API 30, you will need to update to Android SDK 5.5.4 to continue using Apptentive. If you plan to continue building your app on API 29 or below, you may continue using your previous version of the Apptentive SDK.
  • Updated: In addition to ensuring compatibility with breaking changes for Android 11, on September 28th, Apptentive released support for the in-app Google Play Rating Dialog. This will allow you to utilize Apptentive’s rich targeting capabilities to trigger a seamless in-app prompt for ratings in Android, much like the Apple prompt that has been available through Apptentive for the past few years. This new functionality is available with Android SDK v5.6.0. We strongly recommend that you use this powerful, new tool.
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