MAUI Plugin Guide for iOS and Android

This guide will walk you through the process of integrating the Plugin.Maui.Apptentive iOS and Android SDKs into your MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) app.


  • Access to your Alchemer Digital account to obtain your App Key and App Signature.
  • Must have both an iOS and Android app setup in the dashboard if your Maui app is for both platforms.

Add the Plugin.Maui.Apptentive Package

Before integrating Plugin.Maui.Apptentive into your MAUI app, you need to add the Plugin.Maui.Apptentive package to your project. You can do this by installing the Plugin.Maui.Apptentive NuGet package.

Register Plugin.Maui.Apptentive in your MAUI App

In your `MauiProgram.cs` file, register the Plugin.Maui.Apptentive SDK by adding the following:

using Plugin.Maui.Apptentive;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();

// Create singleton

// Configuration setup and registration

#if __IOS__
var configuration = new Configuration("Your Apptentive iOS App Key", "Your Apptentive iOS App Signature");
#elif __ANDROID__
var configuration = new Configuration("Your Apptentive Android App Key", "Your Apptentive Android App Signature");

// Optionally configure logging level and sanitization for debug mode
configuration.LogLevel = ApptentiveLogLevel.Verbose;
configuration.ShouldSanitizeLogMessages = false;

// Register the SDK with the provided configuration
#if __IOS__
Apptentive.Default.Register(configuration, completionHandler);
#elif __ANDROID__
Apptentive.Default.Register(configuration, completionHandler, MainApplication.Current);

return builder.Build();

Register Main Activity (Android Only)

This step is required for presenting interactions for Android.

In order to display a Prompt or love dialog you must extend the Activity you wish to display it from to adopt IApptentiveActivityInfo, and register the activity in the OnResume method. Be sure to implement using ApptentiveSDK at the top of the MainActivity.cs in YourProject/Platforms/Android.

using Android.App;
using Android.Content.PM;
using Android.OS;
using ApptentiveSDK;
using Plugin.Maui.Apptentive;

namespace Plugin.Maui.Apptentive.Sample;
[Activity(Theme = "@style/Maui.SplashTheme", MainLauncher = true, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.UiMode | ConfigChanges.ScreenLayout | ConfigChanges.SmallestScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Density)]
public class MainActivity : MauiAppCompatActivity, IApptentiveActivityInfo
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

public Activity ApptentiveActivityInfo {
get {
return this;

public Activity GetApptentiveActivityInfo() {
return this;

Engaging Events 

Allows you to engage with events within your app. It triggers an event with the specified name, which can be used for targeting interactions and tracking user actions


Presenting Message Center

This method presents the Alchemer Message Center interface within your app. It allows users to view and respond to messages sent by the app owner.


Setting Person Name and Email

If you already know the customer’s email address or name, you can pass them to us to display in the Conversation view on your Alchemer Digital Dashboard.

Apptentive.Default.SetPersonName("User Name");
Apptentive.Default.SetPersonEmailAddress("User Email");

Add Custom Data

To incorporate custom data for a person, utilize the `addCustomPersonData(key, value)` function. For device-specific custom data, employ the `addCustomDeviceData(key, value)` function. The 'key' parameter denotes the identifier for the custom data, while 'value' represents the actual data to be stored. The supported data types include boolean, string, and numeric values. If you provide new custom data for a key that already exists, the previous data associated with that key will be replaced.

Adding Custom Data

ive.Default.addCustomPersonData(key, numericValue);
Apptentive.Default.addCustomDeviceData(key, value);

Removing Custom Data


Multi-User Authentication (iOS Only)

For extra security when handling sensitive data in apps used by multiple people on the same device, consider Customer Authentication. This feature requires app and server modifications to ensure that data is securely handled by the ApptentiveKit SDK. Without Customer Authentication, data remains accessible on unlocked devices, relying solely on iOS safeguards. For step-by-step instructions, check out our Customer Authentication Configuration guide.

Your server will authenticate a customer during login by generating a JSON Web Token (JWT). This token needs specific claims:

  • **Subject (sub):** Uniquely identifies the customer.
  • **Issuer (iss):** Your company.
  • **Issued-at (iat):** Date/time of issue.
  • **Expiry (exp):** Set within three days from the issued-at date.

Sign the JWT with your app's JWT Signing Secret found on the API & Development page using the HS-512 algorithm.

Logging a Customer In

After generating a JWT on your server, pass it back to your app for logging in to Alchemer Mobile:

Apptentive.Default.LogIn(token, completionHandler);

Logging a Customer Out

Ensure to log out a customer whenever their session is invalidated in your app:


Refreshing Token:

Because of the limited time during which the JWT is valid, it should be periodically refreshed.

Apptentive.Default.UpdateToken(token, completionHandler)

Message Center Notifications


1. **Configure Push Credentials**: Provide your push credentials on the Integrations page of your Alchemer Mobile dashboard.

2. **Device ID**: Send the ID used by your push provider to identify the device to Alchemer Mobile.

3. **App Delegate Configuration**: Add code to your application delegate in the platforms folder of your project to handle push notification events.

var pushSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes(UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Sound, new NSSet());


4. When the registration succeeds, your application delegate will have to pass the device token on to the Alchemer Mobile SDK

public override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken)

Your application delegate will also have to forward any push notifications that it receives:

public override void DidReceiveRemoteNotification(UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo, Action<UIBackgroundFetchResult> completionHandler)
Apptentive.Shared.DidReceiveRemoteNotification(userInfo, this.Window.RootViewController, completionHandler);

5.  **Developer Portal Configuration**: Configure your app for push notifications in the developer portal. In the Apple Developer Portal’s Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles section, configure your app’s App ID for push. The Alchemer Mobile push server only supports sending push notifications to the production environment, so you will not need to configure it for the development push environment.

Then create a new provisioning profile for your app. We recommend creating an ad-hoc provisioning profile for testing push in addition to the iOS App Store profile you will need to submit your app to the App Store. Download the provisioning profile(s) you created and then open them in Xcode.

Next, select your app project in Xcode’s Project Navigator and select your app target from the list (or dropdown menu, if the list is collapsed). On the General tab, choose the provisioning profile you just created in the Signing section. Then switch to the Capabilities tab and turn on Push Notifications, and in the Background Modes section, select Remote Notification

6.  **Certificate and Key**: Supply your push certificate and private key in your Alchemer Mobile dashboard.

Finally, you’ll need to export the push certificate you created as part of the provisioning process and upload it to your Alchemer Mobile dashboard.

To do this, launch Keychain Access and choose the My Certificates category in the “login” keychain. You will see a certificate with a name like “Apple Production IOS Push Services:” (where is your app’s bundle indentifier). Select it and choose File > Export Items…. You will need to encrypt the exported certificate and private key with a password of your choosing, and export in the PKCS-12 (.p12) format. Then go to the Integrations page of your Alchemer Mobile dashboard in your browser, and expand the Alchemer Mobile (Apptentive) Push section. Enter the password you chose when exporting your .p12 file into the Push Certificate Password field, and drag the .p12 file into the Push Certificate field. You can choose to enable a notification sound, and even specify the name of an audio file in your app’s bundle to play in place of the default sound.

Then click the Save button and switch on the Active toggle.

Testing Push

Because the Alchemer Mobile push service works only with the production environment, you will have to take a few extra steps to be able to test it.

You will need to compile using an ad-hoc provisioning profile for signing (configured in the Project Options dialog), and you will need to use the Release configuration when running.

At this point you should be able to run your app, send a message in Message Center and close your app, reply in your Alchemer Mobile dashboard, and receive a push notification. 


Hidden Attachments

Hidden Attachments are messages that you can send from the SDK programmatically, which will be visible to you in the Conversation View, but will not be visible to your customers in Message Center. They are great for sending contextual information or logs from rare crash events.

Sending hidden attachments is possible using the following method:


Custom App Store Rating Dialog (Android Only)

If you want to point users to an app store other than the google play store (like the amazon app store) for reviews, you can set the CustomAppStoreURL property on the configuration object.

Proguard Rules (Android Only)

If you find any errors related to omission of classes here are some proguard rules that may help


-keep class* { *; }

-keep class** { *; }

-keep class** { *; }

-keep class** { *; }

-keep class { *; }

-keep class** { *; }

-keep class** { *; }

# Gson library

-keepattributes Signature

-keepattributes *Annotation*

-dontwarn sun.misc.**

-keep class** { *; }

-keep class** { *; }

-keep class org.apache.commons.logging.** { *; }

Unsupported Or Upcoming Features

  • Multi-User Authentication for Android
  • Local customization (for android/iOS) not supported (Android inherits app theme).
  • No hidden attachments with image or file data.
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